Video Poker Machines
Poker Online

How to Beat Video Poker Machines – The Ultimate Strategy

Are you tired of loosing out to video poker machines, click here to find out some simple strategies to beat them.

Video poker machines are every gamblers best friend, not only are they fun and exciting, but you can also win money on them. However, as every gambler knows, its also possible to lose, and unfortunately, most people lose more than they win. The good news is that there are several strategies you can implement to ensure that you beat video poker machines. Here are some of them!

Stop Guessing

As with everything in life, there is a strategy you will need to master if you want to win. With video poker, one of the first lessons is that guessing is not going to do anything for you but leave you with holes in your pockets. Its important that you learn the right strategies and implement them so that you can increase your chances of winning.

Only Play on High Returns

There are some tables that win and some that don’t; however, the good thing about video poker is that the machine will tell you what the expected return is before you start playing. So, if the return is high, go ahead and play.

Play the Max

It is essential that you always play with the maximum number of coins, this will give you a better chance of hitting the jackpot, also known as the royal flush. You are given one to five coins, and you can bet any number of them, but you will only reap the benefits you are looking for if you bet all five coins.

Don’t Move too Fast

As you know, these machines are designed for you to lose, so even though you are going to be tempted to keep on playing, quit while you are ahead because you will lose even more if you continue to play.

Practice Practice Practice

Another benefit of video poker is that you can play without money until you are confident that you are going to secure a win. Therefore, spend a bit of time practicing these strategies, and once you feel as if you’ve mastered the game, take your chances and play with some money.


And the last piece of advice is to quit while you are ahead, only play with money you can afford to lose, don’t start playing on credit cards and going into debt thinking that you are going to end up winning the money back because that is rarely the case. The last thing you want is to turn into an addict.

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